
Games Com 2022

We decided to go to GamesCom this year at relatively short notice. This was such a typical RxB impulse decision in a meeting before we all went on vacation. Accordingly, the planning was chaotic. But the trip itself was very nice, which is why we want to capture it in a little travelogue. GamesCom is already a highlight.


Bridging the gap

I did some research last week for a project we are doing for a museum. I can't go into detail here as we haven't finalized the contract details yet, but I can share a little about our thought process in finding a compelling build and the technological puzzle pieces that make it work.

Logo Brainstorm_Blogpost1_RxB

Red and blue equals lukewarm

"Who am I?" - "What is my goal, what is my motivation?" - Big questions that a "CD" (corporate design) should convey. The image of a company is transported to the public through colour and form, blah, blah, blah. Since the Big Five and the alt-right, we know that appearance can also mean the opposite of what inner motivations actually are. Why am I telling you this? Because the question of the appearance of ROTxBLAU has been raised in the last few weeks and I therefore had to reflect on my own motivation. According to the motto: New year, new CD! Even if we are a bit overwhelmed with a self-image, we try our best to summarize our work. In this article, I'll explain to you exactly what ROTxBLAU does and how I came up with our new CD.


MDM founding initiative MEDIAstart

Hey hey! After a very varied year 2021, we are starting the new year with tailwinds: We are happy to announce that we are now part of the second MEDIAstart year.


Postponement of the release date for COYOTE

Hello there,

We are pleased to announce that we will be postponing the release date for COYOTE until further notice. "So why are they happy?" you might ask yourself. Because we have a great luxury problem.


Coyote devlog #4 the Poznań Game Arena

The decision to go to a trade fair would have been harder for us as a young indie studio if it hadn't been for the PGA. It was affordable (although all in all it cost us quite some money), the journey wasn't far and when André Bernhard aka "The Indie Advisor" gives his recommendation, there are no more reasonable arguments not to go. The crux: we needed a presentable Coyote version. It took a lot of work, nerves and torn deadlines to be satisfied enough.


COYOTE devlog #3

The past two weeks have been wild ones thats for sure.

As our Project Manager Zenker packed his things for his very certainly earned holidays we, who have been left, needed to get our things together by ourselves. The PGA is ahead, our first fair and we want to look as good and professional as it suits us.


COYOTE devlog #1

AND it´s our first devlog eeEEEeEEvVVEVEVREEERRRR!!!!

Yeha! Hi Howdy,

Do you know what we are creating here? Till Q1 2022 we will releasing Coyote – a tactical adventure game where you play a kid which gets superpowers to communicate with a ecosystem. You will be able to rise this ecosystem as a Tamagotchi in the 90s - but with the side-task to balance the inhabitants of the ecosystem. And that’s very challenging!

Socialrealistic Games

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